Choosing Everything: Why Queerness Is Freedom To Me
First, I want to give thanks to all the queer people who didn’t have the luxury of being offered opportunities to write essays about their queerness, and certainly not for pay. I recognize that the privilege I have in writing such an essay, specifically about mid-life queer awakening, is because of all the queer activists who refused to be minimized. I honor every person who has a story they cannot tell, and every person who has one, but was refused a platform — or wasn't ever afforded the decency of having their humanity recognized.
I Married Young. I Was Widowed Young. I Never Want A Long-Term Partner Again
My vow to stay a single mother would not mean limiting myself sexually and emotionally. I decided I would keep lovers — non-committal but satisfying short-term pairings. What I came to find was that this decision… would lead to the least toxic and most beneficial relationships I have ever been in.