
Refinery29 Rebecca Woolf Refinery29 Rebecca Woolf

Choosing Everything: Why Queerness Is Freedom To Me

First, I want to give thanks to all the queer people who didn’t have the luxury of being offered opportunities to write essays about their queerness, and certainly not for pay. I recognize that the privilege I have in writing such an essay, specifically about mid-life queer awakening, is because of all the queer activists who refused to be minimized. I honor every person who has a story they cannot tell, and every person who has one, but was refused a platform — or wasn't ever afforded the decency of having their humanity recognized.

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HuffPost Rebecca Woolf HuffPost Rebecca Woolf

The Year Of The Bike

Watching a boy learn to ride his bike reminded me that every moment we become better equipped to be here, more willing and able to move forward, to let go, to be free, to ride on.

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Sleepunders Are In

I didn't realize that "sleepunder" was a word and that "sleepunders" were common things until several people shared the sleepunder verbiage with me on Instagram. And then I went and looked up several posts about sleepunders and DUDE. YES. YES YES YES.

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