Rebecca Woolf has worked as a freelance writer since age 16 when she became a leading contributor to the hit 90s book series, Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul (Health Communications, Incorporated) and its subsequent Teen Love Series books.
Since then, Woolf has contributed to numerous publications, websites and anthologies, most notably her own award-winning personal blog, Girl’s Gone Child, which attracted millions of unique visitors worldwide.
As well as launching her own successful blog, Woolf has contributed dozens of personal essays to publications both on and offline including Refinery29, Huffington Post, Parenting, and Romper and in 2012 hosted Childstyle, a web series on HGTV.com. She has appeared on CNN and NPR and has been featured in The New York Times, Time Magazine and New York Mag.
In 2008, Woolf authored her first memoir, Rockabye: From Wild to Child (Seal Press) and was one of three bloggers (STRAIGHT FROM THE BOTTLE with Rebecca Woolf) to launch parenting destination, Babble.com later acquired by Disney. Woolf also authored a weekly (feminist!) parenting column on Mom.me called I hear ya, sister and was responsible for designing multiple award-winning branding campaigns including Maddie Ziegler’s “Wear What Moves You” ad-campaign as a copywriter. Woolf also served as a panelist on the hit web series, Momversation, has consulted for major corporations, including Disney, and has contributed essays to anthologies including The Moment: Wild, Poignant, Life-Changing Stories from 125 Writers and Artists Famous & Obscure (Harper Perennial, 2012) and Crush: 26 Real-life Tales of First Love (Mira, 2011) edited by Andrea N. Richesin.
Woolf’s first short film WARPAINT FOR THE TEENAGE SOUL made its theatrical debut at the Bend Film Festival (2019) and is currently in development as a feature film (PANS).
Woolf’s second book, ALL OF THIS (Harper One) hits shelves May 2022.
She lives in Los Angeles with her son and three daughters.